Most Common Student Questions

Answers to Questions on These Topics

如果你想找RIC的某个人, an office/department/division/school at RIC, 或学生在线工具/门户网站,请使用我们的 People Directory, Department Directory, and Online Tools for Students.


学术咨询办公室是最初的,指定的学术顾问 these specific types of students. 然后,这些群体中的学生将过渡到指导教师. 其他专业都有一名指导老师. 你可以通过登录找到你的导师 MyRIC 和导航到“RIC学生主页”," clicking on the "Student Center" tile, then clicking on the "My Academics" link, 最后点击“查看我的导师”(查看您指定的导师和/或教练), with contact information).

Office of Academic Advising


Academic Calendar

关于某门课的问题或者你在某门课的成绩, please reach out to that course instructor, the Department Chair, or the Academic Dean.


Department Directory

People Directory

Leave of Absences may be taken for medical, military, 或者个人原因(不可预见的情况需要离开学校). 学生办公室主任可以帮助你解决你可能遇到的任何请假问题.

Dean of Students Office

学术咨询办公室是最初的,指定的学术顾问 those exploring majors.

职业发展中心也是一个很好的资源,可以帮助你探索职业, 因此,对专业的探索可能会让你朝着理想的职业发展.

Explore the Academic Success Center,其中包括数学学习实验室,辅导服务和写作实验室.

要正式退出RIC,您将使用 申请大学退学官(不打算返回)表格. Please contact the Registrar's Office with any questions.

Course Withdrawal for Academic Reasons

如果你因为学术原因需要退出一门课程, 建议你向课程指导老师或系主任咨询. 如果您选择退出课程,您将使用 Undergraduate Course Withdrawal Form and can work with the Registrar's Office if you have any questions.

Course Withdrawal for Non Academic Reasons

想要考虑退学一门或多门课程的学生(在退课日期之后,直到课程的最后一天), 因医疗/个人或军事相关事宜应使用 本科生因非学术原因退课申请表. Please reach out to the Dean of Students Office with any questions.

Campus Life

College Dining Services 监督校内餐饮设施和提供的饭菜.

Meal Plans

Donovan Dining Center

The Beestro

Our Food 4 Thought Pantry & Lounge 协助所有遇到粮食不安全的RIC学生. 

Commuting to Campus and Shuttle Information


RIPTA Bus Schedules

Parking Procedures

Computer and Tech Support


Health, Wellness, Safety

Jobs, Employment, Careers

Handshake RIC是学生找校内工作的官方门户网站吗, internships, and fellowship opportunities.

The Career Development Center 一个地方是访问和利用,以获得帮助,在找工作作为一个学生或探索你未来的职业生涯, future job opportunities, 以及如何创建最好的申请材料.

Support for Specific Populations

Learning 4 Life 将学生与校园内外的资源和机会联系起来. 在L4L的帮助下,学生们能够在毕业的道路上克服生活中的困难,例如, access to basic needs, managing competing priorities, and navigating the campus systems.

The Unity Center 一个温暖和欢迎的空间,肯定和促进历史上被边缘化和被剥夺权利的学生的平等.

Rhode Island College entrance

Here to Help

Division of Student Success

From the moment students step on campus, 我们部门支持学术成就, 学生在课堂内外的个人成长和幸福.